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Events at this location


Tour of the CNB Visitor Centre's Prague exhibitions
Czech National Bank Visitor Centre in Prague

Visit the interactive Exploring the Currency exhibition, focusing on the current roles of the central bank, the People and Money exhibition about the history of money and central banking, which is located in the former strongroom, and our temporary exhibitions - all presented in an unusual night-time setting.

Discover the world of banknotes creatively
Czech National Bank Visitor Centre in Prague

Experience the world of banknotes through your own creations. You can design your own currency at our creative workshop, while learning interesting facts from the world of banknotes and testing your knowledge of security features.
Guided tour

Join our guided tour of Oldřich Kulhánek's World of Banknotes and find out more information that didn't make it into the exhibition...
Czech National Bank Visitor Centre in Prague

Artist Oldřich Kulhánek is well known to the Czech public mainly because of the banknotes that almost everyone carries around in their wallets. However, his artistic contributions extend far beyond banknotes. This guided tour will introduce you to aspects of his work, such as his admiration for the beauty of the human body, which we were unable to include in our exhibition.